Saturday, January 15, 2011

Nursery @ Pusat Kusta, Sungai Buloh

| Assalammua'laikum.

Today, as both my wife and I had originally planned, we all went to the nurseries dotted near the Pusat Kusta, Sungai Buloh. Initial objective was just to survey the price of carpet grass (read : rumput karpet) for our Padang Bola Mirza project. Checkout the project name.

I must say, the feeling of seeing greens and assortment of beautiful colored flowers on a laidback Saturday morning is just awesome. Following are some pictures.

Kids still with their baju tidoq. Mirza's trademark peace sign and MJ's signature tilted neck pose.

Me with the kids taking a breather at a pond whilst admiring a very garang looking fish. Why garang; because MJ said so. Its the teeth I said, all crooked and sharp. Imagine a piranha. And just within the hour or so, Mak already bought herself 3 plants. (Takbleh tahan dia cakap).

And aahhh the carpet grass - our original objective. The bangla worker quoted us for RM1.70 per piece. The piece is rectangular and not square as I thought it would be, and the length is only about 1 plus feet. I'd probably need by some hundred pieces of these in order to cover an area worthy to be called Padang Bola Mirza. I wasn't really sure on the price though, we didn't really check out other places anyway. I however guess the price per piece would be around that. (of between RM1.70 to RM2.20). So I'd safely assumed the price that he gave us is quite reasonable.

Don't you just love carpet grass.

Next we went to Hospital Sungai Buloh's cafe for a quick snack, kids got themselves playing at the playground just beside the cafe before heading of to Potters Garden. Mak bought herself 3 large rejected pots for just a mere RM5 each. (Tu dalam dok kata nak survey je tu.)

The last picture of the day, phone battery died on me. Anyways, this place is surely going to be our target to buy pots for our own house later.

It was a good day.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Happy 2011

| Assalammua'laikum.

I guess here goes, the official entry for 2011. I envision this blog to be my primary creative outlet, as far as doodling is concern. So my target is to create and upload 1 doodle a week.

Apart from doodling, the other item would be definitely on blogging - to share on my ruminations, fatherhood, frugal living, etc - pretty much anything.

So weehoo !
